Monday, March 13, 2023
Last night, I told Keith I had something to tell him. I confessed that it was a silliness, but it just kept coming into my mind and I thought if I said it aloud, I could just put it away. He (as always) kindly encouraged me. I told him I was a little thoughtful (okay, I said worried. But it isn’t worry. It’s just thinking. Now and again) that we have too much soap.
I have never seen him laugh that hard – just zero to sixty in 0.1 seconds. After he got control enough to speak, he encouraged me to really tell him what I was thinking about.
Yeah. Soap. Our soap is backwards. Keith uses tons of soap. Tons of soap! AND he is fussy about his soap. Soap in the shower is only bar soap (and very particular bar soap) and hand soap is liquid soap. And our soap is backwards. We have tons of shower gel and lots of bars of hand soap. We are never going to use all of our soap.
I think about it.
So, I told him. Now if I say soap, he just starts laughing so hard, then I start laughing so hard, and it’s pretty great. He said last night, “sometimes POTD posts just write themselves, don’t they?” so here I am, telling you about the soap.
I thought maybe I should take a picture of soap, but I would have had to go find it from all the under the sink places soap lives. Instead, I took a picture of a laundry basket full of candy that has been sitting in the dining room since I cleaned out the pantry last Saturday.
I am not concerned in the least that we have too much candy.
Our marriage is full of silliness. I think it’s grand!
But be aware of how much soap you have. It sneaks up on you
Having just glanced at the picture and then started reading the blog, I had started to really wonder what praline soap might be.
OoOoOO praline soap would probably smell delicious