Soccer Day

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

I’m so lucky. I signed up to sub for a language arts teacher at the high school. Then I found out I would be split between her and a social studies teacher. Okay. I like social studies. I got there this morning and found out the two of them were splitting supervision of a blood drive and that is why they were sharing me. The lucky part? The boys soccer team was playing in the state tournament and most of the kids were gone. Fun! My first two hours were AP Human Geography, with only about 11 kids in each class. Unfortunately, the boys lost in the last minute of the game after a questionable call gave the other team a penalty kick. I was really disappointed. The kids in my class weren’t, however; they repeatedly said, “Woodbury teams suck.” I tried pointing out that MOST teams were NOT in the state championship to no avail. I guess that is why those kids were at school instead of at the game.

The social studies teacher had prep 3rd hour, so I hopped over to the language arts teacher. She said I could just go take a break and come back fourth hour. Um. Okay. I like to take a break. I re-arrived for 4th hour, where the class was mostly full. Many of those 10th graders told me they could not do work because of the devastating soccer loss. I pointed out it was a workday on their project and if they chose not to work, nothing was getting done. Still, the devastation was too great to bear. One girl was beside herself because she had done the next assignment and was distraught that it wouldn’t actually be due until tomorrow. Several people besides me tried to point out that it was done and that was good – early was not a problem. But early WAS AWFUL. Apparently. Schoology – the computer program that the school runs on – went crazy and gave everyone new schedules. Some people had three classes in one period, and several people had seventh hour classes within a six-period day. It was announced that it went crazy and things probably wouldn’t be set right until a reboot tonight. One girl couldn’t get over that. She talked non-stop (NON-STOP) about her crazy schedule.
“How can I go to chemistry when I have orchestra?”
“I have two lunches. I do not need two lunches.”
“I took Geometry last year!”
“I don’t want Baking and Pastry. Why would I want that?”
And on and on and on.

I went up to her and said it wasn’t real. The computer went crazy. Pay no attention to it.

She went on and on and on. For three minutes. I gave up trying to get her to stop talking. Everyone had pretty much stopped listening to her anyway.

I went back and asked her if she could hear me talking to her. She confirmed. I reiterated that she didn’t need to keep telling us what was wrong with her schedule because it really wasn’t wrong with her schedule. She finally stopped.

The language arts teacher had great posters and books and stuff in her room (the potd was posted by the door). She also had sixth hour prep, so I got to go home an hour early. WIN!

We went to see Freelance – John Cena fighting a LOT of people – then came home and watched Survivor. For someone who did very little today, I am really tired, so I am going to bed super early. Yay.