Saturday, February 1, 2025
The sisters and Michael came last night for my pre-birthday weekend. YAY!
We had a nice slow morning. Keith left for rehearsal before 8am. Michael went to the Woodbury Cafe for an outrageously expensive breakfast. Nancy and Donna experimented with coffee. I slept late. Then we chatted and laughed the day away until Keith arrived after 1pm. Apparently Donna is always looking for boots (she said so). She was in our front closet and announced that I have boots in there. I know that if I were going out to make a snowman, I would look in that area to find going-outside-in-winter-gear, probably boots among that stuff. I do not really go out to make a snowman very often (once, I think, since moving here). She pulled out boots and handed one to Nancy, “Look. These are boots. Why doesn’t she wear these? These look brand new. Are these brand new?” I said I may have worn them, maybe I hadn’t, snowman making is rare. Somebody said one of the boots looked like it was chewed up on the inside.
Warning! Warning!
They are both standing there with a boot, looking inside, talking about dust and that maybe there had been a mouse chewing on something. Donna tips her boot toe up while looking inside and screams. Of course, Nancy screamed and I screamed REALLY LOUD (farthest away and probably most in danger, obviously). I yelled to throw the boot out the front door. Repeatedly. Keith! Keith! Keith! He comes and looks in the boot. There are a LOT of sunflower seeds in the boot. Now I feel very bad for the rodent that collected all the seeds and we are taking them away, but then I rethought and stood in the bathtub. It seemed so safe.

We calmed down and went to the mall. Nancy heard Keith tell Michael that he caught a mouse last week. Isn’t that fabulous? He did a thing I did not want to know about AND did NOT tell me! I am so proud. Also, that mouse is gone. He was the seed mouse for sure.
We went to the Mall to go to the aquarium because we spent enough at Christmas time to earn 6 free tickets. Alexander joined us. He was just as weirded out as Keith and me at how many people are at the mall on a Saturday in February. Wow. So many. I haven’t been to the aquarium since Alexander was four. He has been a couple times. It was the first time for the others (including Keith).

Donna was the only one of us young and limber enough to climb in the tunnel to look for the green something monitor. (Michael could have done it, but he didn’t)

I think walking in an underwater tunnel is very soothing. Even if sometimes the fish startle you.

Hi Guy!

My favorite was so the saw fish. There were two. The guitarfish was second. I have never even heard of a guitarfish.

Donna and Michael disappeared after we lingered for a long time in the glass tunnel. We assumed they went ahead. They had indeed, as Donna was feeling very poorly. She gets so motion sick so easily. The water and the curved glass did her in. She and Michael were sitting on a bench, waiting for us. What neither of them realized was that Flat Stacy was with them. I wish I had taken a picture from across the room, the way I first saw them, because I really had to look to figure out who they were sitting with, while wondering why they were sitting so close.

They had to dash past the open tanks of rays and anemone because of the smell – hard to smell when you are nauseated. Bye! Bye! See you soon. I used the restroom and washed my hands, then decided to go with NO HANDS on the escalator so I wouldn’t get my hands dirty after just washing. TA-DA!! I did it! I did not fall off or fall down or anything.
Donna said she never holds the railing on an escalator.

Girls went in a store. Boys waited.

Nancy sat on a bench. Isn’t she cute?

We went to El Loro for dinner. We all ate a lot. Mmm.
We were so sleepy when we got home, we all collapsed in the room of many couches. We had more talking and laughing. I turned on the game show The 1%. The questions are all logic-y type questions, which are pretty fun instead of straight trivia (which is also great fun, but different). I am pretty good at fast forwarding through everything except the questions, so we watched quite a few episodes. We laughed a lot. Laughing is always the best part.