Sooooo much better!

I bet you are thinking I am talking about Keith. I’m not. Well, in fairness, he is much better today. Not all better by any stretch and he had some tough moments mid-day out trying to do stuff (like play a feature piece out in front of the band in the hot noon sun), but he is doing pretty well this evening after a big rest.

Nope. I’m talking about the not so good on Thursday band. Vintage band festival was today and Keith played with them for their performance. IT WAS SO MUCH BETTER. The first note sounded and my mouth fell open. So much improved. I couldn’t believe it and I was delighted. They were playing in a band shell with sides and a back to help focus the sound and maybe that is all it took, or maybe the players decided they needed to step it up in front of an audience, or maybe everyone went home and practiced, but it was not in any way like it was on Thursday. Phew!

Two of our friends were playing in the next group after that band. It’s a Dixie sextet called the Stone Arch Jazz Band. We thought we would stay for a few songs, then go home for naps. They were so good that we stayed for the whole set. What a delight. Our friend, Glen, plays euphonium in Keith’s regular brass band (well, the one he regularly subs in), and played trombone in this band. He pretty much plays everything – including slide whistle in this group for a couple tunes. We were very impressed with the clarinet player. You can’t have dixie without a good clarinet player. Keith went up to talk with him after they finished and came back with some very interesting information. First, he was subbing with the group – had never played with them before. Second, (and most mind boggling) HE HAD NO MUSIC. Apparently, the regular clarinet player hadn’t left the music and this guy played an entire set for 45 minutes (SOLOS ON ALMOST EVERY SONG!) just by making it all up.


He plays regularly on a paddleboat on the St. Croix on dinner cruises on weekends, so we are going to gather a group to go and enjoy his playing.

The picture of the day is of a wall in Northfield, where the band festival was. I like it so much I wanted to share it with you.

2 thoughts on “Sooooo much better!”

  1. Good news, everything seems to be better.
    You also need a bench in front of the wall as it would be very easy to look at it for a long time. So much talent in the world.

    1. Isn’t it great when we get to appreciate all those talented people? I think the mural is so great – the first time I saw it I thought it would be on the side of a florist. Nope. A Domino’s pizza place 🙂

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