
Friday, October 20, 2023

Michael and Keith were working today, so Donna and I busied ourselves chatting. It was another stunning day, so I (ME!) drove her around the rural roads by us in the convertible. We were very in sync with each other on what needed to be seen s-l-o-w-l-y (and by slowly, I mean 8mph, not Keith’s 28 mph). We saw pretty trees and pretty houses and possible murder sites (end of a gravel road with a guy just sitting in his car. I memorized the license plate for just in case) and beautiful sun shining through the woods and then we found the Lost Valley Prairie State Natural Area – please wipe your feet before entering (to make sure you don’t have any buckthorn seeds on your shoes). Who knew!? There are so many new roads around here this year – we just keep finding them.

Donna loved seeing all the nature – she likes nature. Or she likes seeing nature. Or she likes the idea of nature. Because what about bears?

We came in and the men asked us how it was and she said, “Spectacular.” And it was.