
Monday, November 21, 2022

I got a text this afternoon. I saw it float across my phone – It’s time!

It’s time? Time for what? Did I forget something?

I clicked on it. It was from Daniel, my sports friend. Some while ago, he had told me about the soccers of the world and that USA would (could?) play Wales in a big game. I wondered who I would root for. Then I forgot about it.

Today was the day! It was time! USA v Wales in Qatar (I watched the videos on how to correctly pronounce that. I’m probably never going to pronounce it correctly. That brings up a whole ‘nuther thing. I read a phone article today by a woman named Annika – pronounced Ann-nick-ah – and she was all bent that people mispronounced her name. I hear her – I try realllly hard not to mispronounce kids’ names – if I think I am going to wreck it, I try really hard to figure out a way NOT to say it at all – and I think people SHOULD try really hard to pronounce names correctly. I really wanted to comment to Annika that people just change my name – Hi, I’m Barbara. Hi Barb. What? Did I say my name was Barb? Nope. NEVER HAVE. When I correct people, they ALWAYS push back. They almost always say Why? When I say I do not go by a shortened version of my name. Why do I have to defend my name? Maybe next time I introduce myself I will say my name is Mitigated Dandelion, but you can call me Barbara. It might work.).

Anyway, it was time for soccer! I found it on TV and sat down and watched a soccer game. I was equally rooting for Wales and USA – except that I was really rooting for Wales, because they are a little country and they all play soccer and it’s their thing. Except that really rugby was the big thing when we were there. Oh. I forgot that until now. It doesn’t matter, because I was happy when USA scored, then I was sad, and I rooted harder for Wales, because I always root for the one not winning.

And then they TIED and I was so happy. I spent a good deal of the second half yelling at the TV (which Daniel says makes me a real sports fan). Keith came down and laughed at me, but I think I was yelling a completely appropriate amount.

Soccer, man, that is some sport. So much running. It was exhausting just watching. I can see the players’ feet better on Ted Lasso and that is super fun, but watching the running was fun. And the bouncing the ball off your head! What is that about? It happens all the time! I would have a concussion right away. I am not a good sport do-er.

6 thoughts on “Sportsball!”

  1. Betsy, NOT Elizabeth

    I read once that the average professional soccer player runs between 8-10 miles PER GAME! Insane.

    1. Daniel said 6-8, but I totally believe 8-10!!
      I suddenly feel like I want to call you Elizabetsy 😁

  2. What if we call you Mi Dande, a shortened version of your new name?

    Did you notice most of the soccer players run funny?

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