Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Seventy years ago today, my mom and dad got married. It was a hot day – much nicer than our cool, rainy day here in RHODE ISLAND! Our trip was designed to take Keith to 4 of his 5 remaining unvisited states. We are here in Newport, Rhode Island, to visit the gilded age (a term coined by yesterday’s guy, Mark Twain) mansions.

Although the mansions are absolutely incredible – and used for 2 – 6 weeks/year for the “season” – the part that really blows my mind is the staggering amount of money that was spent on fashion and entertaining. Our tour of Rosecliff said that the lady of the house would budget $500,000 ($12M in today’s money) for entertaining. She would host six dinners (12 courses) and two balls for 400 with nonstop music and entertainment until dawn. A Newport lady would change her outfit 280 times each summer – each outfit brand new, including matching hat, parasol, stocking, shoes, and many pairs of gloves. The evening dresses were strung with diamonds or sewn with gold or silver thread! We heard details about balls that made me wish wish wish that they were happening now, because then everyone would have a phone/camera and there would a gazillion pictures.


Marble House

The Elms

The Breakers

We went on a scenic drive after we finished our ogling of mansions. We enjoyed watching the waves crash against rocks, but I was too tired to get out and climb on rocks. Until I saw the ducks. Somebody was organized and got their ducks in a row (I know if you want to get really specific about it, they aren’t ducks). We watched their line go up and down with the waves, but they maintained. I had to get out and take a picture. Ducks in a row!

We went over this bridge last night in the rain. I did not die. I didn’t even really panic. I almost shut my eyes, but I know that will cause Keith to lose all interest and confidence in driving and we will immediately hurtle over the side of the bridge into the water, so I just looked at the shriftenshrever (shifting lever to someone not in our family) and thought about EVERYTHING but heights. I was pretty darned proud of me.
Only one state left. Do you know what it is?
Or is it Oregon? I just can’t remember. But I know that we need to replicate the current trip – wow! These mansions rival the best things we’ve seen in Europe!