Tuesday, February 25, 2025
I was back subbing at the same job as I was yesterday. It went much better, since it could hardly have gone worse. Chaos broke out in my first class, and I called for administrative help. The vice-principal took 6 kids. Everything settled down. Next class, I called again, and three kids disappeared. Before my next class started, I stationed myself at the door and told the kids they could come in if they were going to sit down, but if they were going to socialize until class started, they needed to stay in the pod. Some came in and sat down, some stayed in the pod (lots of room, couches, chairs, etc). One boy came in and stood right behind me. I repeated my request to him, and added, “Yesterday did not start well. There was a lot of running, pushing, and general silliness. I am expecting that will not happen today.”
He replied, “I’m not leaving.”
I smiled, “No problem. Have a seat at your seat.”
“I’m not leaving.”
I reiterated.
“I don’t have to listen to you.”
“Well, we could debate that, but I don’t think that is necessary. I would appreciate if you would choose one of the options.”
“Ain’t happening. I don’t care what you say,” then over my head, “Guys, come in here. Cody, Jeremiah, come in here.” Boys pushed past me and chairs were immediately pushed around and a chasing game started. I came in and used the microphone to announce that they needed to sit, and we were starting class. (There are no bells in this school except a one-minute warning bell before most hours. That bell had rung). Difficult boy came up to me and said, “It’s not time to start. You can’t start whenever you want to. Get away from me.” I wanted to point out that he had walked up to me. I thought why do you think you can speak to me this way? Then I thought, why am I not sending him down to the office right now? The reason was because there are so many things that are going to happen this hour that are so much worse than this and I can’t send everyone to the office. It just isn’t big enough.
Lots happened. I put out a lot of fires. I did some math. I dealt with a girl who dramatically threw herself on the floor because she hates math. I sent a girl to work in the library because her Chromebook was dead. Her friend wanted to go with her, because apparently they would suffer greatly if separated. In one breath, she said, “Can I go too? I have to go to the bathroom. I need a drink. My elbow hurts, I need to go to the nurse.” The girl next to her said, “She is not believing anything you say because it’s ridiculous. I wouldn’t even let you go now.” Fact. Then the best part of the day happened. I got to say something I don’t believe I have ever said before. “Stop licking the highlighter!” She tried to deny it, but her very blue tongue sort of defied her denials.
We went to Tono for BOGO pizza and soda. I saw the ad before we went to Nevada and put on the calendar for the first Tuesday that we were home. We got there and there was a lady parked oddly with her hood up and flashers on near us. Keith went over to help, because I said, Keith, go help that lady. Her gear shifter was stuck. Keith said he knew how to override it, so at least they could get it into N and out of the lane of traffic (in a parking lot). He took a look, and no luck. It was a push button shifter with no release, so different. There was nothing in the manual. She had called for a tow, which was expected in 3 hours. Darn. Her friend arrived to rescue her, so we bid her good luck.
Tono was rocking with the BOGO offer. We were lucky to get a table. I made Keith sit on the same side as me, in case someone wished to join us. We did offer the seats to another couple, who made delightful dinner companions. She is a teacher at an elementary school and of course, we ended up having common friends. I hope it is busy the next time we go, and we get to dine with more strangers.
When we left, the blinky car was still there – another two hours until the tow truck.
I love reading about your adventures is subbing. Sometimes they make me say “awwww” and sometimes they make me say “hmmmmm” and sometimes they make me say “It’s good to be retired!”
I think I think those things too!!
You are a GODESS! Those kids are so lucky. It’s great that the administration is so supportive – but I think maybe they would have a hard time getting me to come back to that school anyway. You are made of better stuff than am I. I’m with Louise – it’s a good thing to be retired.
It is good to be retired – I am quite sure – but read on about the next day!