Takin’ his trumpet for a walk

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

There is a French horn player that has subbed in Metro Brass a few times that lives in our neighborhood. She asked Keith to run through some new music she inherited. It turns out she lives directly on the path we take when we “take a walk”, so he took a walk to rehearsal tonight.

He got a ride home. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Takin’ his trumpet for a walk”

  1. Uff da!!! You guys have gotten some serious snow…. Not so much over here in Michigan – by the times the storms leave you guys, go across Wisconsin, and hit Lake Michigan, they’ve either just kind of petered out or whatever real stuff is there is going down to Ann Arbor and Detroit. Hope Metro rehearsal is great. BTW Alan Baer (tuba player of the New York Philharmonic) is playing with Gary Bird’s band at River Falls!

    1. And so much as melted! It’s snowing like crazy right now and more to come Saturday.

      We missed a concert Monday with Gary’s band and Sheldon brass band because we didn’t know about it until after it had started. Now we are doubly sad to have missed it

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