Thanksgiving eve

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

We did another escape room, picked up Jamaican food, checked out a Christmas tree lot, then figured out how many episodes of Bill Nye I’ve seen, if there are any episodes of Magic School Bus that the boys have not seen, and vigorously discussed the merits of a ranked list of the 62 animated Disney movies.

You really wish you’d been there to hear Benjamin remember all the little songs from each episode of Magic School Bus.

2 thoughts on “Thanksgiving eve”

  1. We are taking our grandson Owen (2 months old) to his first escape room on Saturday. We were very excited that Tactical Escape (the first escape room we ever tried) reservations include spaces for adults, children, and infants (0-4). So nice to know he’s welcome and that there won’t be loud noises or other stuff not good for infants.

    Oh, we invited the rest of our family to go along. 😀

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