The Academy Awards

Sunday, March 10, 2024


Oh, I enjoyed the Academy award show tonight. I thought Jimmy Kimmel was funny and not mean. I like funny and not mean. I liked when he asked Steven Spielberg if he was nominated or just had season tickets (the answer was both. Both is good). I like Robert Downey Jr. whatever he is doing. I really liked the 5 famous people coming out to give a little speech about each of the famous people who were nominated in the acting categories. I know they weren’t making up their speeches, but a lot of them sounded really sincere – and that was nice. I fast forwarded through the songs, because I didn’t care. We just happened to sit down to have a sitting down time at 2 minutes before 6:00. Keith was looking at something else on the TV and asked what time the Oscars started. I said 7. But then I thought about something I had read about them starting an hour early. We flipped to the right channel and there they were, starting. We watched for a while, then paused to make dinner, then watched an episode of Blown Away (season 4 – whoop whoop) so they could get ahead and we could fast forward when appropriate. I forgot Pee Wee died and that was sad again. I was happy to see Chandler, then that was sad again. The dressed were so pretty! (Except not Melissa McCarthy’s. Bright pink and red is not okay for me, and the different fabrics was weird. The dress itself was interesting, but bad execution). The jewelry was so pretty! And the men were wearing pretty jewelry! Good job, guys. I used to get Bradley Cooper and the other guy, Matthew McConaughey mixed up, so when one gave a speech about the other that was a little confusing. I used to confuse Al Pacino and that other other guy…not Dustin Hoffman, because he is really different, but his name always jumps in there while I am confusing these two guys….Robert de Niro! So, when one guy was giving an award and they were showing the other guy in the audience (I actually assumed it was people like me, and me, to know they are different guys with different names) it was a little confusing. I was a little sad Emma Stone won, because she already has an Oscar, and it would have been really nice for Lily Gladstone to win. I haven’t seen her movie (but I am going to read that book) but it is nice for the wins to get spread around (unless it’s Tom Hanks. I like when Tom wins all the time).

I smiled through the whole thing. Movie people make me happy because movies make me happy.

The POTD is a picture of my orchids. It is the only picture that I took today.

2 thoughts on “The Academy Awards”

  1. Nice orchids… And I’m with you on both Lilly and Tom. We did see “Killers of the Flower Moon,” and she was fabulous. Hint to you and everybody: DON’T GO SEE “EL CONDE.” Oh, yuck, yuck, yuck… It was “Mike’s (Michael Moore) Oscar Surprise” on the Traverse City Film Festival last week. We generally enjoy his surprises, but not this time – in spades! The cinematographer was nominated for an Oscar, and he and Mike did a live (on Zoom) interview and he (the cinematographer) answered questions from the audience after the movie. THAT was indeed interesting/educational – and that aspect of the film was pretty amazing. As amazing as it was, just don’t go.

    1. Barbara L Thompson

      That is a passionate plea that I will definitely listen to! There are way too many good movies to spend time on the bad!

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