The Backyard

My friend started hosting gatherings in her backyard several years ago, after our school switched from a junior high to a middle school. Lots of teachers were displaced and my friend gave us a place to gather during the summer to catch up with old friends.

In the summer of 2020, she started having weekly gatherings in her backyard. We wore masks, even though we were outside, and we sat in a giant circle – far away from each other. She expanded beyond her teacher friends and gathered all that knew her who wanted to have some contact with people. What an interesting and amazing thing. So many varied individuals, coming together to share stories of pandemic, and stories of everything.

I cannot put into words how much it helped. I went every week. As fall came, attendance dwindled. I took a sleeping bag to cuddle into as fall approached winter. Still, there were three of us that held on until it truly was winter and we had to give up. Today was the first day I was able to go this summer. (I went a LOT last summer.) I found out that one of that durable threesome that hung on in 2020 has cancer.


I have known him a long time, but I do not know him well. I am not yet sure what I can do, but I will think of something.

I also learned that my very good friend’s mom died today. It is inevitable that we lose our parents, but it is

I am relishing my moments today. I always try to notice my happiness, love my luck, appreciate that every day things are really great, but sometimes it is easier to do; sometimes it is more important to do.

4 thoughts on “The Backyard”

  1. So so true Barbara.
    Your friend gave people a space to share and this would have bought a smile to so many faces. What a great idea.
    Have you heard the saying “Give whilst the hand is still warm.”?
    How lucky are we because we are able to appreciate the small things in life too.

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