Thursday, March 20. 2025
This was about several meetings of a book club that were being filmed for a documentary. The camera was set to follow movement and record from 7pm to midnight, but there was no cameraman and no way to stop or rewind. What started off as stilted, show-off for the camera behavior turned into a lot of did-I-say-that-in-front-of-the-camera and heart-to-heart learning and sharing. I really enjoyed it – particularly when some of the members skewered the book Twilight. (Keith learned that some vampires sparkle in the sunlight.)
While we were sitting in the lobby during intermission, I was looking at this sign.

I wondered what it meant. Did Sally Irvine donate a Family Lobby? What is a family lobby? What is a non-family lobby? Was it the Sally Irvine Family that donated the lobby? How would a theater exist without a lobby? Would you walk from outside straight into the theater? That would be odd – especially during inclement weather. If the Sally Irvine Family donated the lobby, why did they include themselves? Why didn’t they just name it after Sally Irvine? The Sally Irvine Lobby seems fine. I have really always read it as the family lobby of Sally Irvine. Keith says Sally’s Family donated a lobby in her honor. What if Sally Irvine donated the library in her family’s honor? I wasn’t getting that one at all, but it could be. Maybe they could get a plaque put under it explaining what they mean.
After a while of watching a really lot of people eat really expensive peanut M&Ms (and my encouragement), Keith went to get us some. This sign was over his head – about 6 feet to the right of Sally’s sign.

Mmmm. I’m thinking with confidence that the Hawkins family had something to do with this. I wonder if it was Jim Hawkins’ family. Keith’s grandfather was Jim Hawkins, but not the Treasure Island Jim Hawkins (that we know of). Do the Hawkins family all work at the concessions? Do they bring in the peanut M&Ms? It is also hard to know for sure without an extra explanation plague.
Plague. hahahahahahaha! I wrote plague. The world needs more explanation plagues. I think those are the best kinds of plagues. Let’s stick with that.
I’d love to forward this blog to Ben, the Phipps guy who writes their newsletter (The Flying P). I think it would make him and his staff laugh, and perhaps improve their “plagues”.
This was at the Hanifl Center in White Bear Lake.
Oops, I was using Barbara’s computer for that reply, but that was me.