Saturday, February 18, 2023
We are leaving tomorrow! I am excited. I woke up excited. Then I was tired. Then I was excited. Then I was tired. I was so tired that I sat down on the packing bed (Alexander’s bed with all the suitcases and stuff) and just fell backwards. I was so tired that I made no attempt at all to judge if there was room for me to flop down without crashing my neck/back connector area into the edge of the suitcase.
There was not.
It really hurt. I put ice on it. I was very sad that I was stupid and very glad that I did not break my neck and have paralysis. I was so whiney, so at 3:30 in the afternoon, Keith and I shared a Mike’s Hard something drink.
I felt much better after drinking about a quarter of the bottle. I am like that.
We are packed. Alexander is here to sleep until we wake him up at 3:50am to go to the airport. Since airfare was included with our cruise, we had no say in when the flight goes. Originally, it was mid-morning. It changed to 6am a couple months ago. Not yay. It is on American Airlines. Also not yay. We have sandwiches ready to go, since there is no food available on either flight and only an hour in-between. I am really hoping someone remembers to get the sandwiches out of the refrigerator.
I guess will find out where you are going…
Teehee. I thought you knew…
Tom suggested drinking the whole bottle of Mikes if you want to feel really good.
Happy travels!
He’s probably right