The internet said

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Today is my sister-in-law’s and my niece’s birthdays and the day my brother-in-law passed away seven years ago. Such a lot for one family. I am thinking of you all, Karen, Marla, and Thom.

Keith reported yesterday I had his coughing disease, but I did not. I had that plus a fever and sleeping. I didn’t feel good, but I didn’t feel really bad, either; I just could not wake up. I slept 32 of 36 hours, with 4 hours on the couch with my eyes closed. I am better today – the fever broke, and I’ve been awake with eyes open for several hours.

The biggest event of my day was twisting bacon. The Internet told me to and so I tried it. The big plus side is that you can fit a pound on one cooking sheet and be done. It was tasty and not particularly greasier than cooking it flat. The big downside was smoke. We didn’t set off the fire alarm but we did open the kitchen windows. We could not figure out exactly why it was so smokey, so we can’t blame it on twisting…yet. We’ll try it again with a different brand and see what happens.

2 thoughts on “The internet said”

  1. Hmmmm… Seems to me that this makes bacon into an easier-to-pick-up and still just as tasty snack. This has possibilities. Isn’t it also easier to cut up to mix up with things like eggs??? I like this idea… So happy you’re better!!!

    1. It is certainly easy to pick up and kinda feels festive. I’m happy the sleeping disease only lasted the weekend 🙂

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