The Lion King

Tuesday, 4/23/24

If I had any idea how to spell the beginning cries of the Circle of Life, I would start this with that. But I don’t. We just got home from the show and it was terrific. We have seen it pretty many times and neither of us were particularly interested in going.

That’s not fair. We were. It’s a great show with great costumes. How could we possibly not be interested? I have no idea, but this morning when we were not wanting to wake up and go to work, staying home and sitting on the couch tonight seemed like a better idea.


Of course, we went. We use the Spot Hero app to reserve a parking spot at a good rate before we ever go downtown. The local basketball team was playing in some kind of important basketball game, so we knew parking would be very busy. Luckily, the game started an hour before the show. The ramp sign said FULL, but we were able to get in with our code. We went all the way to the roof, because every level said closed and had its gate down. Every spot was full. Uh-oh. There were cars parked against the yellow curb on the way to the exit. Mmmm. Keith parked at the end of the row on yellow stripes. For rule and law abiding us, it felt EXTREMELY wild.

The show started and it was just as magical as it was the first time we saw it in 1997 (it started here before it went to Broadway). The animal costumes/puppets were spectacular. I remembered exactly what the lions looked like, but so many of other animals and the plants were better than I remembered (are they the same and I don’t remember, or are they improved? I have no idea. I guess I should assume I just don’t remember). The whole show was terrific!

As we went to our car, I figured there weren’t many theater goers in our ramp, because we were pretty early and we were definitely the last car in for the evening. The basketball game had 3 minutes left as the second act started, but there were still a lot of cars waiting to get out of the lot. I always wonder how long it takes to empty a ramp after an event. We were parked by the exit, so we jumped ahead of many, many cars – because the guy behind us let us go as soon as we started the engine. We zippered down 7 levels and were out in 11 minutes. I was amazed.