The luggage fairy came

I woke up at 4:06am and wondered where my suitcase was. Obviously. Or not.

I got a message from Delta yesterday that our suitcase had been loaded onto a flight to Minneapolis. Two of the band travelers were even on the flight and offered to grab it for us, but they were traveling without checked luggage and it would have slowed them down. (Keith and I found out that we could have each taken two pieces of carry-on in first class – we wouldn’t have had to check anything if we had done that – but it would have given us 4 small pieces to deal with on the bus, and that would have been a bother) (and we didn’t learn that until we got home). Also, they live in Minneapolis and neither of us are in any shape to get out and drive around. I said, no, let Delta deliver it.

We checked our tracking number during the evening, but it said nope, nothing to report. I was pretty sure that our suitcase was going to go round and round at MSP for a while. Everyone is so short staffed (hence all the luggage issues) that I honestly couldn’t imagine who they would get to deliver all those lost bags.

So, at 4:06am, I was struck with the thought that maybe I had gotten an email about my luggage. I had gotten an email telling me it was on the plane. I looked at my phone. I had gotten TWO emails. One that said, “we are going to deliver it!” The other said, “We delivered it at 12:54am.” The airport guy had asked us if it was okay to leave it at the door and we’d said yes. I was glad. I snuck down the stairs (Keith was sleeping in a chair in the basement), intending to bring it inside and surprise Keith.

There it was, sitting in the entryway.


Roadie (actually the name of the delivery service) had put it IN our house? What? Weird.

No. Keith must have still been up when they delivered it. Weird.

In the real morning, he explained he’d actually come upstairs to get a drink just after 1am, glanced down the hall and had seen the suitcase outside, visible through the window on the side of the door. He’d gone out (very daringly in his underwear, because his jammies were IN the suitcase) and brought it in. It was on the porch less than 15 minutes. Safety!

4 thoughts on “The luggage fairy came”

  1. SOMETIMES things work the way they’re supposed to…. Hope you’re both feeling better!

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