The pool is open

I think we’ve had the pool open by May 1st for our first four years here. Keith had everything shipshape and ready to go this year, but the weather did not make me interested in swimming. We turned the heater on on Thursday and I spent most of the afternoon in the pool today. First, I swam a little. I couldn’t swim laps because I am out of practice on what to bring to the pool and forgot both my goggles and my ear plug. I could have gone back in to look for them, but it was too chilly to get out of the nice water. Then I floated and read. Then I floated and slept. I kept waking up because I dreamt (real word? I don’t know. I think so) I fell asleep and dropped my phone in the water. My phone was not in the pool at any time. Dreams are funny. I floated some more and thought about how incredibly lucky I am to live here.

Many years ago, one of my brothers said people who have pools in Wisconsin (and presumably its neighbor Minnesota, but since we hadn’t moved here yet, it wasn’t part of the equation) are silly, because they can only use the pool for such a short time of the year. I agreed – at the time. Now, I think it’s perfect. We are so excited for pool season to start, and by fall, we are on our way to other things. In between, the pool rules. I think if I lived in a place warm enough for year-round usage, I wouldn’t feel the urgency to get out there and use it while I can. I would think tomorrow… (To be fair, right now I am thinking tomorrow! Another pool day! Then more cold and rain 🙁 )

When my friend, Maren, found this house for sale nearly five years ago, and Keith said we were going to look at it (because maybe it would tell us we should live here) (it did), and Benjamin said why not have the things you want, I had no idea it was going to be so great. I am happy every day about this very good decision.

4 thoughts on “The pool is open”

  1. I know exactly what you mean Barbara. I had the same feeling with our house.
    Stay happy. 😀

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