Saturday, November 26, 2022
I got an email ad today for a discount at a light display at Valley Fair. I thought we should go because it was SO WARM (48 degrees!) today and we could easily put the top down on the convertible and enjoy the display without having to crane our necks looking out windows. We have learned that convertibles are simply the best for going to national parks, and I assumed that they are great for taking in all sights. Donna and Michael were going to go home today, but we kept stretching their stay all day until it seemed silly to set off on a 5-hour drive when it was almost dark. Driving in the dark is no fun!! Also, since we paid a set price for the drive through light activity, if four of us went it was half price versus two of us going!! (I am such an excellent thinker!)
We drove across town and slowly drove through tunnels of lights and passed myriad dancing and singing characters (we tuned the radio to the accompanying music). Keith and Donna were in the front seat, and they were in some (humorous) disagreement about the animated light bulbs whose mouths were in synch with the music. For Keith, they were the best. We went extra slowly through their tunnel to lengthen our light bulb experience. For Donna, they were creepy. It bothered her that some of them had one eye (I suggested they were winking). Donna picked the singing Christmas trees as the best (because there were not so many of them…and they had two eyes! Definitely both valid points).

We lingered in the buckle up area at the end of the drive, looking back upon the whole parking lot full of lights, and ordered a pizza – ready just when we got back to Woodbury. A fabulous start to the Christmas season! 🎄🎄