The Wickhams: Christmas at Pemberley

Sunday, December, 10, 2023

We enjoyed a matinee of a delightful play set in the servants’ area two years after Lizzy and Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice got married. I have only a passing knowledge of P&P (I saw the Kiera Knightley one, whenever it came out), but it didn’t matter. It was funny and well-acted and a pleasant afternoon.

I went to the restroom after the show. I was fifth in, with four stalls available. I positioned myself as far in as possible, without blocking sink/paper towels. Several women quickly followed. The fifth woman for the line came in and walked past us all to stand in front of the sink.

“I am in line,” she announced. I nodded, but wondered why she wasn’t actually in line. The woman next to me looked at her and said, “I am in line.”
The woman next to her said, “I am in line, too.”
“So am I in line,” said the woman closest to the door.

The door flew open with a bang against the wall.
“Oh! There’s a line!” said the door wholloper, astutely.
“I am in line!” repeated the out-of-line-in-line lady.

I went into a newly empty stall. The conversation continued.

“I am in line, too.”
“So am I. I am in line.”
“I am in line, right here, behind this lady.”
“So, you are all in line?”
A multiple-person, “Yes!”

When I came out, the door banger was still holding the door open (and a dozen women formed a line outside) and there were only two women left waiting. As I washed my hands, neither of them went into my vacant stall. I was drying my hands when another woman came out. Now there were two empty stalls and two women just standing there. I waved my hands and pointed, because I honestly didn’t know what to say. They looked at each other and started toward the stalls. I walked out and said to Keith, “I was just in the bathroom with people who have never been in public before.”
He asked, “How do you know?”
I said, “Sometimes you just know.”

6 thoughts on “The Wickhams: Christmas at Pemberley”

  1. Sounds like a Greek chorus crossed with Abbot & Costello. Maybe it was an extra surprise show, like the theater version of a movie-credit Easter egg.😊

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