
Monday, September 11, 2023

It’s impossible to write that date and not think of the horrors that happened 22 years ago, but I don’t have any new thoughts to add today, so I am going to think my own thoughts about the sad subject and move on to happier things.

Like the fact that my sister is a Wordle phenomenon. It is so cool. I picked two for my title today because I love saying to Keith, “Donna got a two,” so many mornings. She did not get a two today. But she got 4 greens on her first guess. She got those four greens on her second guess, and then got it right. Even when she gets a three, she rocks it! She got 2s four days in a row a week or so ago. Benjamin and I were talking about it – just how delightful it is, because you can’t do anything to become good at Wordle. There is nothing practice, there is nothing to perfect – it just is. She just is a Wordler Supreme. I don’t know her statistics, but she has 9 or 10 ones. I haven’t gotten it yet on the first guess. It was ocean once and I have used ocean while on a cruise. That is as close as I’ve gotten. It was teach too, and sometimes I am kind of a teacher. I have been so close!

I am never sad about Wordle, no matter what my game looks like. I don’t like when I do a stupid (put the yellow letter in the same spot), but actually it makes me laugh, because DUH. I love how nerve wracking it gets when you get to five…a bit heart pounding at six! It’s a game that doesn’t matter and yet we are all excited every day! What a perfect thing that is. We share – we talk about our blunders and our successes and our scores. Most of the time I play before I go to bed, even though I tell myself to wait until I am more awake (I’ve never waited). On mornings after early-to-bed (before midnight), I am SO EXCITED I get to play – it feels like a bonus.

I know. It’s a couple minutes every day, but I am so happy to be so happy about it.

2 thoughts on “Two”

  1. I’m with you, Barbara. Thanks for steering us onto Wordle. I don’t know why adding that ritual to each day makes such a satisfying little difference. On the other hand, I do know why every day’s POTD makes me smile…

    1. I went for a walk with a former neighbor earlier this summer and someone did something fun that day with wordle and I politely started the conversation with, “Do you Wordle?”, ready to just go on. She said, “No, but I have heard of it.” She is a Wordler now! I think of you every day when I write the potd – a lovely addition to my days!

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