Saturday, May 18, 2024
Keith was in Eau Claire last night, but I wasn’t afraid to be home alone, because I have protector cats! I went right to sleep – even with the light OFF – and slept soundly (until Colby stood on me and put his head under my hand…repeatedly). Yay for company in the night.
We went swimming today. Actually, there was absolutely no swimming. We just hung on pool noodles and floated passively – oh, and scooped floaty seeds off the pool. It is floaty seed season. We missed white petal season while we were in Florida – not sad about that at all.
We went to White Bear Lake to see Urinetown at the Lakeshore players. We had Mexican food on the way. Delightful. (Okay. It was Taco John’s, but it wasn’t our usual Taco John’s and we ate there instead of taking it home, so it felt like a nice time out). We haven’t seen the show before and it was good. I’ve heard a lot of good things about it. I really enjoyed it – sometimes during the first act I couldn’t quite get all the lyrics because the band covered the singing (and I suspected they were funny lyrics) – but the singers sounded terrific. I don’t think it is groundbreaking (maybe that is 2024 thinking – perhaps it was more cutting edge when it opened) but it holds up and is very entertaining. Because we are season ticket holders, we were invited to a little reception during intermission. There were sodas and wine, Milano cookies and pretzels. It was the perfect treat for intermission. I told Keith that they spent less than $2 on me and I felt like a queen. I will send them that feedback, so they do it again next year.