Vegetables as prizes

Who knew that was even possible?

My friend, Maren, is at the cabin this week, so I was in charge of picking up her weekly vegetable order. It seems she signed up to get a box of veg every week from a local farmer. I assume the farmer fills up the box with whatever is ripe and ready. She gets a list and a PICTURE of the box’s contents, but I didn’t. It was like my birthday! I was so excited pulling out all the bags of vegetables. We were in charge of eating what would spoil by Friday, so we gobbled up the strawberries right away.

I researched the correct way to store each item (tomatillos go in a paper bag in the fridge. Did you know? Now you do) to be the best vegetable babysitter possible. Responsibility!!

5 thoughts on “Vegetables as prizes”

  1. What an education I’m getting! Never heard of tomatillos – looked it up and now know what you are talking about. Spotted them in the picture too.
    Vegetable box looks great. 🙂

  2. Just had a great time reading about a week’s worth of posts. I do this kind of thing often–procrastinate and then make a big catch-up effort. Character flaw? Admirable consistency? Maybe a consistent character flaw . . . Anyway:
    Loved the Milwaukee visit accounts and photos, especially the fair. Laughed (nervously, because we all have neighbors) at the story about finding one’s yard being used for parking. Marveled at the flower kaleidoscope–what a great idea! Felt better about my mandoline phobia–I also haven’t used ours in years. Was touched by the friend who offered her yard for gatherings, and the reminder of how loss shared brings both comfort and a spur to count blessings–of which staying in touch with friends and family is not the least. Cheers for the POTD blog!

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