Veteran’s Day

Friday, November 11, 2022

Woodbury High School put on a very nice program for Veteran’s Day. Teachers were given a nice introduction to read to the students before they went to the assembly. It explained what Veteran’s Day is, and what appropriate behavior was expected. I was extremely impressed with the students. Many of them were not able to sit (a few more could have found seats if those sitting had not left big gaps. I asked several rows of people to slide together near where I was standing, but I didn’t see any other staff doing the same. I found that strange – but I am an organization FREAK, so I guess it makes sense), but they stood very politely for nearly an hour. The narrator for the program said that veterans from the community were going to be escorted in and suggested a round of applause. They got a round of applause. It was thunderous and lasted for a long time. I could see the people on the podium looking around, wondering if they should cut it off or let it go. It went on and on – and was the only time it happened. There were many occasions to clap, but nothing sounded like that. Maybe the kids were actually appreciative of the veterans. I like to think so.

Staff received an email about two weeks ago asking for information on military participation of family members, as well as staff themselves. Those veterans were announced during the program. There were several people who included sons and daughters who are currently serving, spouses, and then some people went on to list parents and grandparents (totally fine, but I did think most of us would have had fathers and grandfathers who served, because there wasn’t as much of a choice back in the day). I heard several fathers who served in Vietnam and the Gulf War, I heard a couple grandfathers who served in WWII. I was a bit sad that I didn’t say my grandfather served in World War ONE! Teehee. I am so old. 🙂

Speaking of old, I got to share my favorite bit of trivia in class today. In US history, we are zooming through the mid-1800s through the Civil War this week. I told them that John Tyler – 10th president (1841-1845) – has a living grandson. LIVING GRANDSON.

Minds blown (maybe not everyone, but a couple people paid attention and were interested).

2 thoughts on “Veteran’s Day”

  1. I heard this on public radio a while back, and it’s *still* mind-blowing when I think of it again. I just looked up when Tyler was born–1790! I feel much younger now.😊

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