Want some Fool?

HA! It’s a punctuation joke. Sort of. This fluffy blackberry-y dessert is called fool. So, I could have said Want some, fool? lots of times today.

I didn’t. But I could have.

Since we have lots of blackberries, we made blackberry fool. It is basically whipped cream with blackberry juice folded into it. It doesn’t end up to be more than the sum of its parts. Alexander was here for dinner (his radar was out for overcooked meat – his general description for how we cook – but he managed to eat. In fairness, overcooked meat is actually generally the reality of how we cook. I am afraid of undercooked meat and Keith just ends up that way some times) and he likes whipped cream a lot, so I thought this was the perfect dessert for him. He thought it needed something to go with it, like a cake. He wasn’t wrong. It was good, but kinda too much. Just a couple spoonfuls was enough. Keith helped us out by eating what we didn’t.

On an unrelated note, I got my haircut today. I thought it would be fun to have it cut short-er. I asked Keith before I left how short I should get it cut. He responded, “I thought it was short.” Huh.

I got to the haircutting lady (to whom I have been going for pretty many years. I got lost on my way. I only know how to get there from work. If I come from home, I seem to turn on random roads. Why? I have no idea. I think “do not turn on random roads,” then I do it anyway) and went with “Let’s go shorter.” I am regretting it a bit. I look like Baymax now.


I assume it will grow overnight.

4 thoughts on “Want some Fool?”

    1. It’s not quite ready to be photographed…I can’t believe I did this right before our first ever family reunion with my mom’s side of the family. Mmmm

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