We stayed up late

There was a total lunar eclipse this morning. It was all covered at 1:28am, so Benjamin, Sean, and I stayed up to watch. We hopped out a few times to watch a big bite get eaten out it, then about 1:30 it was all covered up and glowing a bit of red. It was interesting how dark it got – the stars came out. It had been a very bright moon night before that. They have a little telescope and Benjamin took the potd through the lens with his phone. We didn’t expect great results doing that, so we snapped and then went back to looking at it and imagining olden days people freaking out when this happened – or did they, because what were they doing up in the middle of the night? They probably weren’t!

The moon with a little bite taken out reflecting on Sean’s hand through the telescope.

Not through the telescope.

Morning did not come early for me. I woke up a gajillion times being over heated (because it is one of my things I do so well), but I slept from the time Keith got up until 11:01am! Woooohoooo.

I set out for Waukesha at 2:00. There was a stupid amount of traffic, and a lady driving 55mph (Nancy said, “Oh, that’s okay.” I said, “NO. No it is not) gumming up all the traffic. Other than that, it was a great drive on a sunny, 75 degree March day.

Donna came to Nancy’s shortly after I got here. It was just sisters – I don’t remember when that happened. We had laughing (lots), fish fry (small! Not enough fries, for sure, but it was sure good), and TV. Nancy and I were talking about Survivor in the olden days and wondering how much it had changed and decided to watch an old season. Nancy watched the whole thing already and I only got one episode done. Donna has never watched, but Nancy talked her into one episode. We all three sat on the love seat and watched episode 2. She is not sold, but she enjoyed it with our commentary.

David came over for games, so we got out Flip 7. We hadn’t even dealt when Dennis called from Florida. He listened to us play from his bed at the Wilderness Lodge at Disney World. He is having his hip replaced Tuesday and he can’t get around to go to the parks. Karen was at late night at the Magic Kingdom. After a while I suggested he video call so we could pass him around the table and shakily hold up the phone for him to see us. Eventually, I thought to ask him to play. I somehow didn’t figure out that he didn’t need to take my place – Flip 7 can have a LOT of people play. He won. That was so funny.

We said good-bye at 10:15 so we could go out to Kopp’s for custard. One of the flavors was tiramisu and Nancy was really feeling it, so we went. Donna and I had chicken dinner. Why is peanut butter custard with peanuts, marshmallow, and chocolate called chicken dinner? I have no idea. I tasted the tiramisu because Nancy said it was so delicious and didn’t really taste like coffee. It was so much worse than I expected – like licking ashes. OMG. Blah.

We all got a pint of chicken dinner to go. Mine is for Benjamin. We took a selfie or two with our pint bags.


2 thoughts on “We stayed up late”

  1. I am not a coffee drinker (love the smell, do not like the flavor at all) and had tiramisu once many years ago. Seems like I don’t need to give it another try. 😀

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