We went out of the house

Keith was asked to play a performance with a brass band at the Vintage Band festival this Saturday. Since we were traveling, he could only make one rehearsal – and tonight was the one rehearsal. I wanted to go along, because I like to hear him play. Keith took three naps today in preparation. I figured if I sat in the back of the church (where the rehearsal was) and wore a mask, I (and they) would be okay.

Surprise! We drove into the parking lot and there was a band. Outside. Huh. Since we hadn’t known, I didn’t have a chair, but we were able to park close so I could listen from the car. It actually worked out well, considering I didn’t want to share germs with anyone.

I don’t know if I mentioned at all during our recent trip, but the Mississippi River Brass Band is really, really good. This band? Not so much. When they started the first piece, I thought, “Uh oh. Something went wrong. Start over.” But no. That was how it was going to go. Huh. They mostly suffer from the junior high problem of being unwilling to blow. Everyone was so so so tentative. I got out of the car to take a peek at them – I thought perhaps they were actually kids. Nope.

I am glad they are playing. I am delighted that they are playing. You can recognize the songs they are playing; some parts sound really good. I wanted to tell them that sounding weak and wimpy wasn’t doing them any favors – go ahead and make mistakes (get messy!), but that seemed like the wrong thing to say right before a performance. Maybe an audience will motivate them on Saturday. Their soprano cornet player was really good. They ran through the 45 minute program and we were done. We were home in time to go to bed early. 🙂

2 thoughts on “We went out of the house”

  1. Lovely that you have been reunited with your luggage. I’m with Daly here , does Keith only have one pair of pyjamas? Do we need to buy him some more?
    Steve said poached egg anytime you are here, always welcome.
    You have heard so many different bands and have a good ear for sound quality….. Ever thought of conducting yourself? Starting your own band? What would you call it? Who would you have in your band?
    Main thing now though is for you both to feel 100% again. 🙂

    1. I am laughing at you and Kristine – yes, his summer jammies are a pair of gym shorts and he just has the one. Hasn’t been a problem up until now and we’re over that. 🙂
      The cough medicine Keith got in Switzerland didn’t do anything to help his cough, but he did say that he thought it would be really good on toast. I tried it when I started coughing and it is tasty. It made me think of marmite, but tasty. Marmite with sugar, maybe. Mmm. Poached egg.
      I am an excellent listener – definitely takes more than that to participate. Keith does have his own group – Metro Brass – which has been on hiatus since pandemic. It is time to get the band back together and make some music.
      My plan was to be all better today. It didn’t work. I am whomped today. Maybe tomorrow!

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