What Child is This?

Thursday, December 22, 2022

It’s Benjamin! He and Sean planned to come today, but then the big blizzard was coming and we told them to come Tuesday. Oh, wait. It was already Tuesday when we said that, so that didn’t work. We said, “Come Wednesday!” But it was late on Tuesday and getting ready and coming early really wasn’t going to happen. We said, “You will have to wait until Saturday!.” Then, as Wednesday went on, Keith was constantly scouring for updates on the weather and he said, “Come early on Thursday. The big winds are going to start here after noon.” They said, “Okay!.” (Yes, all of this was done with exclamation points!)

Last night I dreamt over and over that they were stranded in the bitter cold and that the tow truck man wouldn’t take the kitties.


They texted that they were on the road early – expect them by noon. I worried. I thought about other things and wondered why I was tense, then I remembered to worry.

Then they came and said the roads were quite clear and there was very little traffic and it was really a pretty nice trip up.


I am exhausted now. So are they. Up late packing. Up early driving. We are going to have a long winter’s nap.

4 thoughts on “What Child is This?”

  1. SOOOOO glad they made it safely. The scenario would have been the same over here at that point in time. Not so much this morning. I think the 2+ feet of snow that was forecast is probably going to be a reality. Hope it’s the best Thompson Christmas ever! Cozy up and PLAY GAMES!!!! Wonderful to see Benjamin and Sean….

  2. Our power was out all day and into the early evening. I got out all our Kinsey candles (from Minnesota!) to go with a few dozen the candle stubs to give us a bit of warmth and light. Oh how we love our candle light memories from our Wisconsin years. We have a thin blanket of snow with icy crust. Usually we keep our snow on Mt Hood. Icy Portland hills are not good for any drivers. It’s COLD and very windy here (for Portland).

  3. Thank goodness for improved weather forecasting these days! As harrowing as it can be, the worry of knowing about upcoming challenges (nightmares about stranded kids and kitties!) is well compensated for by the ability to avoid them, at least some of the time. So glad the nightmares didn’t come true!

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