Monday, September 5, 2022
Happy Labor day – or as it is known in teacher-ing circles, the last day of summer.
Keith tried to actually do some yard work, but I hassled him into going in the pool with me. I was yammering on about something while I was floating and when I looked at him, he was asleep. In the pool. In not even the shallowest part of the pool. This is the non-swimming man who gets fluffy if I say I am going to fall asleep in the hot tub. I was all super quiet and sneaky and he slept for about 20 minutes.
THEN, he got on a floaty and went floating out in the deep end. He never goes out to the deep end!! End of summer inspires crazy times, I guess.

This is all very, very good! BTW – had lunch with Gary and Julie Bird on Sunday!!!
And I am sitting listening to Gary rehearse as I am reading this! Fun!
Sounds like a lovely way to celebrate the end of summer, even if it was a little crazy.
A wonderful day, indeed