What Was I Thinking?

Monday, January 22, 2024

I have been thinking all day about what I wrote yesterday. That is unusual – usually it is written and done. I think it is because what I wrote was wrong. Of course I would be at the team sports activities. One of my friends pointed out that the world is a scarier place than it was when Benjamin was in 5th grade – nearly TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO. (ooof!) – and I wouldn’t just drop him off. She is definitely right! I wasn’t really thinking about if he were on a team now, but if he had been when he was in 5th grade, so 2024 wasn’t really a factor. But, then or now, what would I possibly have to do that is more important than watching my kid? I mean, if something else was actually happening some weekend, arrangements would be made. The daddy would go, or something else would happen.

I did spend quite a lot of time NOT watching Benjamin do sports. I took him to the bowling alley EVERY DAY one summer so he could bowl three free games with strict instructions NOT TO LOOK AT HIM. I did not look. I spent ample time in the driveway with my chair facing the other way while he juggled – willing to turn on command when the trick was mastered. I took him to Tball – ready to watch – but he just hid under the bleachers until we didn’t go anymore.

So, I was wrong. I would go and I would love it. I think I might just start following girls’ basketball. I really liked it. I will be that old lady that the other people wonder why I am there. Mystery old lady.

We went to brass band tonight. Keith is subbing on flugelhorn. Wrong side of the band. Weird.

2 thoughts on “What Was I Thinking?”

  1. Tom and I are the mystery old people at volleyball. We go to watch the our daughter Stacy coach and nobody really expects that.

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