We went to SeaWorld today. I had no idea that I was missing going on roller coasters, but I guess I was, because it was WONDERFUL.
I appreciate that there are no longer park maps – save a paper and all – but trying to get the lay of the land on a map on your phone is really hard. You have to zoom in to see it, then you can just see a little piece of the map, and I am completely lost. Good thing roller coasters are tall. I just said, “There’s one. Walk that way.”
We started out with the tallest one, Steel Eel. First ride in the front row was terrific. We zoomed around and rode in the back row. Bam bam bambambam. Kinda slammed us down in the seats too hard, so we moved to the middle of the train (without even having to run around) and it was very good. I thought it was very interesting that there is a school and an apartment complex directly across the street from this out and back coaster. I wonder if those people are immune from noticing the screamers or if they still find it fun.

Next was the Wave Breaker, where you sit in cute little cars that look like jet skis. We got in the line that didn’t look very long and waited without moving for a few minutes. I watched the train pull out of the station and counted 8 rows. Sixteen people per ride with one train running. (Every coaster was running only one train. The park wasn’t very crowded, but I never understand why you want people to wait longer than they really would have to.) I looked at Keith and asked him if he had read about the Quick Queue. For a $20 up charge, you can take a short cut to the front of the line. He said he had and asked if I wanted it. Yes, I did. We went out and learned and he bought it in the app. We rode several times. It is a low coaster, zooming over the water of a lake. The best part is part way through there is a boost and you really speed up. Yay. It had lots of side to side turns and Keith loved it. (I also loved it. My favorite of the day was whichever I had just gotten off of.)

We headed over to Great White, a hanging coaster. Again, not very high, so exactly my type of ride. I don’t know why, but hanging coasters don’t scare me in the least. This one had 5 inversions and it was terrific. (We had to ride several times and count because I said 5 and Keith said 4. I counted out loud on the last one. Five.) We were in the front for several rides…actually we rode in the front or the back for every ride for every coaster, except the third on the Eel. We are very lucky people.
Next up – the round boat ride that threatened to soak us. We rode with a mom and two boys and one of the boys got SOAKED. We did not. We got wet feet and enough splashes to enjoy it totally. We only rode once, because we didn’t want to tempt fate and end up drenched. There was a people dryer, but it was pretty full of people every time I went by.

Next was the Texas Sting Ray. Wooooooohoooooooo! Wooden coaster on a steel support. It was perfect. Not too high, just right. Not too shaky, just right. Lots of banks and a couple head choppers that made me worry for Benjamin’s head (he has a tall head) (he is not here). We rode it again and again. And again. We chatted with a guy who asked us how the Quick Queue was working for us. We said great. He said he thought about it before they came, but didn’t get it. Now, on the day of, it was up to $35 from $20 in advance. My head swiveled so fast. “Did you pay $35?!” Keith said no, he only paid $20 and the guy should look in the app not the website. A bit later I asked if he was sure he didn’t pay $35. He checked his charges. Yes, he paid $35. Whooops. I figured we skipped an hour wait 8 times, a 45 minute wait 8 times, and some random other lines. It was worth $35. Especially since we didn’t know we were paying that much.
We went to the dolphin and beluga show. Cool animals.

We went to the killer whale show twice, because they are super cool animals.

Sea World is having the Seven Seas Food festival and there are booths all around offering items from different countries. We added $10 on to our admission ticket to get three items from the booths. What a terrific extra. We started in Jamaica with jerk pork mac and cheese. There was an issue getting our certificate to translate into our three-punch coupon and the guys were soooo nice and determined to get it straight for us. I have to say that EVERY single Sea World employee that we interacted with (except hoodie guy – wearing a hoodie with the hood up even though it was 90 degrees. There was nothing wrong with him, but he didn’t say much and just sort of hid until he had to count us off and send us up the stairs. He was regular) was FANTASTIC. The guy smooshing Keith into the Great White was super nice every single time (he had to give it quick a smoosh. Keith was totally not smooshed feeling, but getting the harness to snap in right took a push). Our other snacks were a turkey, mushroom, swiss crepe with parmesan sauce and an apple crisp crepe, chicken shawarma with skhug sauce (so zippy and delicious), and beer cheese spaetzle with caramelized onions (which I ordered in German which made the man in the booth laugh). We were ready to reride Great White and saw that the Korea stand right out the gate was closed. OH NO! We still had a punch. It was five minutes before 6. We had been planning to go to Japan for sticky ribs, but nooooo, too far – we scurried as fast as we could and landed at the next nearest booth – Jamaica! (Keith had wanted to do the mac again, but thought he should not repeat things). They were still open, but we didn’t have our coupon! You are not allowed to take bags or backpacks on any ride and have to put them in a locker. At first that seemed irritating, but their lockers are really convenient and easy to use and I sorta loved not worry about losing anything. BUT the coupon was in my backpack. Our guys totally remembered us ( we were wearing our best attempt at SeaWorld appropriate clothes – Keith is his Aloha style shirt and me in my Marine Life Institute shirt, both from Finding Dory…so we kinds stood out. Lots of employees commented on our good taste) and just gave us a mac and cheese without making us run back and get the coupon. Rick was the server and he was just charming. I have to write a note to Sea World and tell them they have great employees.

We did not make it back to the hotel for free food time, and we weren’t really hungry enough to actually go out and eat a big meal, so we ate up all the snacks in the room – a truly terrible bit of non-nutrition.
If I lived in San Antonio and you came to visit, I would take you to SeaWorld and we would buy the jump-the-line pass before we went.