When Life Gives you whipping cream, Bake a cake

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Amanda brought whipping cream and a nifty whipped cream canister on July 4th and she forgot to take the leftover cream home. I considered making a cream sauce for pasta, then decided on an angel food cake. I was getting ready to bake it this morning when I had the great idea of going to a movie at 10:30am. Then I thought it would be a great idea to get an Eggamuffin on the way, because I didn’t really feel like popcorn for breakfast. And the theater we were going to does not have good popcorn. Then we realized that by the time the cake was done, we would not really have time to get Eggamuffins (I loooooove Eggamuffins and I was quite excited about getting one), so Keith went to get the Eggamuffins while the cake baked. I flipped it over on the cooking sherry bottle and we were out the door, eating our pre-movie breakfast as we went.

We sat down in the theater (it has been many years since we went to a theater with recliners. It was a nice treat) and the movie started. I whispered, “I wonder what it’s going to be about.”

We had gone to the movie just because Tom Hanks is in it and we are seeing Tom Hanks movies.

The credits started and it was produced, written, and directed by Wes Anderson. I laughed out loud, because Wes Anderson makes really weird movies. I wondered if we would have come if we’d had known. Probably not…

And then I really, really enjoyed it. I’m not going to say that I recommend it, because it is straight up weird – but in a very pleasant way. I don’t know what it was about…well, it was about a town called Asteroid City (also the name of the movie) and some people who went there and stayed for a while. Sort of. There were LOTS of famous people in it. It was pretty. I’m glad we went.

We got home to sunny skies and floated around a lot of the afternoon. We had one leftover dough from yesterday to make a new pizza and a couple leftover pieces and a cake with a MASSIVE AMOUNT of whipped cream on it to make an amazing dinner on the deck.

Then Metro Brass had their first rehearsal since the April concert. It was fun. I went along. That is my thing. We were talking about what our thing is. Mine is going along. Keith has a list about 57 items long. I have one, but I am quite good at it. When we talked about it yesterday, I had two things, but neither of us could remember the other one today, so I am sticking with one.

3 thoughts on “When Life Gives you whipping cream, Bake a cake”

  1. We saw Asteroid City a couple of weeks ago–very interesting. I giggled several times and was generally bemused (my most frequent response to Wes Anderson movies); Jerry–possibly misled by the presence of Tom Hanks–had hoped it was going to make a little sense, and so was not a fan. But the popcorn was good.

    1. You and I were very similar in our responses. I think Keith and Jerry were in synch as well.

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