Friday, October 13, 2023
Happy Birthday, Barbara!! (not me)
I found an ad on the kitchen table some time fairly recently that must have come while we were traveling New England. Collide Dance Company was doing a dance interpretation of the Great Gatsby. I saw them do Romeo and Juliet in 2/2020 (remember that month? Boy did we not know what was coming) and it was stupendous. I was blown away. I definitely wanted to see Gatsby. We got tickets sometime last week (last week is a complete blur to me) for tonight. I was utterly shocked when I came home from school today and Keith said we needed to leave by 6:15ish to get where we were going. “Where are we going?” Gatsby. SURPRISE!
So, we took the usual exit into Minneapolis and then went north instead of into downtown. We were driving by the post office (home of the longest light fixture), then by the Federal Reserve (hi Daniel!) and we kept going. We didn’t turn on the bridge to go to St. Anthony Main like we usually would when we are in that area, because that is the only reason we are ever in that area. We smelled the delicious smells as we drove along. We saw some cool looking shops and restaurants. We drove a few more blocks, saw the theater on the right, found the parking lot ($5. What? Awesome) on the left. We got out of the car and looked around at very swanky looking apartments. We have never been in that neighborhood before. It looked delightful. And it was so close to places we go by all the time (well, not all the time because we live in Woodbury and we were in Minneapolis and really, just going to neighborhoods in Mpls is not a thing). Anyway, I was excited.
The show was really enjoyable. We got season tickets, so we had our names on seats instead of doing general admission like regular people. 🙂 We did not get VIP tickets, so we did not get little gift bags with bottled water and snacks. I don’t bottle water (because PLASTIC) and I can’t snack, but I wanted one of those little bags. There was one dancer in the chorus that I could not take my eyes off. She was so good! In one party scene, everyone was wearing masks and I realized it was actually her eyes that had mesmerized me! They were disappeared and I was no longer attached to her. I would never have suspected that. Have you been to a dance story show? There is an occasional narration to keep you understanding. It is really cool; you should go to one if you get a chance.
I had my first day of blood sugar monitor today. We plugged it into my arm yesterday evening an hour before dinner, then we watched the new Frasier show. (I thoroughly enjoyed it.) It said it would do its first reading in 60 minutes. In 60 minutes, my phone starting alarming LOUDLY. My very first reading was LOW blood sugar at 68 some sugar amount/some blood amount. Jumping out of the chair or something must have scared up some sugar because it jumped up to 72 and stopped screeching. Keith went through and turned off all the alarms – picture on screen only. I still didn’t take my phone to the theater – because that would be BAD if it went off. We were going to bed just before midnight and it went off again! C’mon. Keith really made sure it was off the second time. I checked it about 50 times today. That is about 48 times more than necessary. It was so much fun. Fun with diabetes!
We snuggled in for a 40-minute nap after work, so we would be fresh for the show tonight. The stupid phone screamed at us in about 12 minutes. Keith is SURE he has the alarm off now. Unless my blood sugar goes below 55. They won’t let you turn that alarm off. I must endeavor not to get under 55. I must also never take my phone in public!

At first, I wasn’t sure if you thoroughly enjoyed putting the meter in your arm (because, maybe?) or the new Frazier show. But it was pretty obvious a second later.
I will keep looking for the upside of diabetes.
I just read back – I should amend it to say I enjoyed both. I felt very sciencey and robot-y and Frasier was great! I, too, will endeavor to find upsides.
We will join Louise in the effort… In the meantime – sure sounds like Gatsby was a treat!
I didn’t know dance story interpretation was even a thing before Romeo and Juliet. I am glad I learned. Gatsby had live singers and musicians (keeping those separate 🤣) to back it up