Why Am I in a School?

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Because the community theater is performing School of Rock there! We went and it was really well done – except the audio was awful and it made things really hard to hear. So disappointing! We were close enough we could hear most of the spoken dialog, but the music was uneven and it was nearly impossible to hear lyrics. The kids in the show were really good actors and singers – group songs were such a delight. The main adult character was played by a man whose mom worked with me at the Y over 20 years ago. I saw his name and told Keith I know two people by that name. One was 5 years old the last time I saw him and the other is going to be a high school senior next year. I said I couldn’t really remember what the kid from long ago looked like because the high schooler is now the picture I see attached to that name. When the show started, I remembered just what that man looked like when he was little.