Saturday, June 15, 2024
The second annual Wurst Brass Fest was lots of fun. There were two music sites – inside a giant barn (Festhalle) and outside the Millstream Brewing Company. Keith played with the Sheldon Theater Brass band as well as the Metro Brass Quintet (twice – in and out). I stayed inside all day, because the small groups were at the outside place, and I was more interested in the brass bands. Each of the five put on an hour concert and all were good.
I was impressed with the Sheldon band members because many of them were listening to all the other bands. Of course, I don’t know all the other bands’ members and they could have changed shirts and come back, but it sure didn’t seem like many were hanging around. I am always very interested in those who like to play, but don’t like to listen. I guess it is not really that different from me – I like to listen, but don’t like to play.
Ok. I forgive them.
The sound in the Festhalle was terrific. I loved the fullness of the sound. The balance came through, and it was a great place to listen all day. Someone pointed out that they’d played in halls that had been carefully and expensively designed that didn’t sound as good as a great big barn in Iowa.

The official day ended with awards and door prizes. Sheldon Theater’s Eb player, Stuart, won best solo of the day, and he really deserved it. He sounded terrific (and I am highly picky). The most boring band (so, technically good, but the program was a snore) won most entertaining performance. What was that about? The door prizes ranged from a crushed alto horn with Christmas lights to a clarinet from the garbage to rum cakes. Keith won, and when I say won, I am not kidding. He got three little rum cakes, and they were DELICIOUS.

Three rum cakes works for me!!! Congrats to Keith!
They really were tasty