We stayed up late
There was a total lunar eclipse this morning. It was all covered at 1:28am, so Benjamin, Sean, and I stayed up to watch. We hopped out a few times to watch a big bite get eaten out it, then about 1:30...
Something new to fix
Thursday, March 13, 2025 We came to do quarter round by the floor molding, but built the cabinet first. Today, Keith investigated the wet spot in the kitchen ceiling. After cutting a hole in the ceiling,...
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 I spent the day going through boxes of stuff, organizing to get stuff to put in the six lower drawers. It was so much fun! Putting like things together is a favorite pastime of...
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 We got Benjin and Sean a new cabinet with six drawers for Christmas. Benjamin and I helped Keith put it together. I vacuumed where it was going to go, Benjamin opened cardboard...